Sensex ends muhurat trading of Samvat 2069 in red

Dated:November 13,2012
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Sensex ends muhurat trading of Samvat 2069 in red

The data will add pressure on the government to boost economic growth by fast-tracking stalled tax and regulatory reforms and bolster calls for rate cut.

Industry executives say that the Tatas 'stand a sure shot chance' of getting start-up airwaves in Delhi as they don't see any of the mobile phone companies making a late attempt to win airwaves.

Although seasonal factors typically narrow the trade deficit in Nov & Dec, Credit Suisse expects a gap of at least $15 bn in the last month of the year.

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Market Round-up
SENSEX 18618.87 -51.47
NIFTY 5666.95 -16.75
NASDAQ 2141.54 17.78
DJIA 10060.06 19.61
RS/$ 46.79 -0.14
NSE Gainers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change

90.80 + 19.95

83.10 + 16.14

872.55 + 15.34

12.35 + 14.35

29.30 + 14.01
NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change

150.35 -10.88

22.15 -8.47

3.40 -8.11

14.85 -8.05

20.30 -7.94

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