Apple iPhone 5 could boost US GDP by up to 0.5% | JP Morgan

Dated:September 11,2012
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PSU oil firms are losing a record Rs 560 crore per day on sale of regulated diesel and cooking fuels and another Rs 16 a day on petrol.

JP Morgan's analysts expect Apple to sell around 8 million iPhone 5s at $600 each in the fourth quarter.

The seasonally adjusted net employment outlook (NEO) of 27% indicates Indian employers are downshifting from the vigorous hiring pace.

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Indian cos are among the world's 10 lowest paying employers in IT, with their mid-to-senior level staff getting an average salary of Rs 21.5 LPA.
HP, which employs more than 300,000 people globally, has begun a multi-year restructuring aimed at focusing on services targeted at corporations.
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