Markets cheap, volatility remains

Dated:August 15,2011

Market Round-up
SENSEX 16839.63 -219.77
NIFTY 5072.95 -65.35
NASDAQ 2141.54 17.78
DJIA 10060.06 19.61
RS/$ 46.79 -0.14

NSE Gainers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
K Sera Sera Ltd.
14.00 + 16.66
Bell Ceramics Ltd.
14.15 + 15.04
Hydro S & S Industries Lt
22.45 + 14.54
Munjal Auto Industries Lt
163.40 + 11.00
Software Technology Group
5.05 + 10.98

NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Paramount Printpackaging
26.80 -15.45
TV18 Broadcast Ltd.
54.05 -14.34
ATN International Ltd.
1.00 -13.04
Inventure Growth & Securi
193.70 -13.02
Sujana Metal Products Ltd
6.95 -12.57

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